Skeletal System

  1. 2. Formed by the sacrum, the coccyx, and the pelvic girdle
  2. 6. bones that include the maxilae, palatine bones, zygomatic bones, lacrimal bones, and nasal bones
  3. 7. located on medial side of leg
  4. 8. consists of a manubrium, body, and xiphoid process
  5. 9. vertebrae that include the first and second vertebrae, transverse processes bear transverse foramina
  6. 12. Connect incompletely developed bones in infantile skull
  7. 14. larger than cervical vertebrae, side facets articulate with ribs
  8. 16. longer than the radius and overlaps the humerus posteriorly
  9. 18. Bones that develop as hyaline cartilage that is later replaced by bone tissue
  10. 20. triangular structure formed of five fused vertebrae
  11. 21. located between tendons and underlying bony prominences
  12. 25. composed of four fused vertebrae, forms lowest part of vertebral column
  13. 26. joints where bones are joined by a layer of dense connective tissue
  14. 27. Twelve pairs of these attach to twelve thoracic vertebrae
  15. 28. anterior portion of the hip bone
  16. 29. act as shock absorbers in some synovial joints
  17. 30. broad, triangular bones, articulate with humerus of each upper limb
  18. 31. located on the thumb side of the forearm b/w elbow and wrist
  19. 32. vertebrae that support more body weight than other types of vertebrae
  20. 34. joint where bones are covered with hyaline cartilage and held together by a fibrous joint capsule
  21. 35. Bone that has irregular interconnecting spaces between bony plates called trabeculae that reduce bone weight
  22. 36. lowest portion of the hip bone, supports sitting human
  1. 1. rodlike bones located between the sternum and the scapulae
  2. 3. first vertebra, balances the head
  3. 4. extends from hip to knee
  4. 5. located on the lateral side of the tibia, doesn't bear body weight
  5. 10. consists of a body and a bony vertebral arch, surrounds the spinal cord
  6. 11. Encloses and protects the brain
  7. 13. Mature bone cells
  8. 15. the wrist is composed of 8 _____ bones that form a carpus
  9. 17. second vertebra, the dens of this provides a pivot for the first vertebra when the head turns to the side
  10. 19. extends from the scapulae to the elbow, articulates with radius and ulna at elbow
  11. 22. Plate that remains in between the primary and secondary ossification centers
  12. 23. Bones that develop from sheetlike layers of unspecialized connective tissues
  13. 24. Bone that has a continuous extracellular matrix with no gaps.
  14. 25. a layer of cartilage joins the bones of ___ joints
  15. 33. Largest portion of the hip bone, joins the sacrum at the sacroiliac joint