Skeletal System

  1. 1. Recommended immediate treatment for bone, joint, and muscle injuries. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
  2. 4. Injury to the joint caused by any sudden or unusual motion
  3. 7. Movement of an extremity away from the midline
  4. 11. A mature bone cell
  5. 12. Most of the joints in our body are of this type
  6. 14. Increasing the angle between two bones, which results in a straightening motion
  7. 15. Bone of the palmar surface of the hand
  8. 17. Simplest type of fracture in which the bone is partly bent, but never completely separates
  9. 18. Immovable joints connected by tough, fibrous connective tissue
  1. 2. Fracture in which the broken bone ends pierce and protrude through the skin
  2. 3. A bone of the axial skeleton to which the tongue is attached
  3. 5. Shaft of a typical long bone
  4. 6. Kneecap, found in front of the knee joint
  5. 8. The lower jaw, the only movable bone in the face
  6. 9. The breastbone
  7. 10. Bone cells that secrete enzymes that digest bony material
  8. 13. Bone cells that deposit new bone
  9. 16. A tough fibrous tissue that covers the outside of bone