Skeletal System

  1. 3. There are 26 bones in the human....
  2. 4. This bone protects the brain from any injuries.
  3. 5. You should always exercise to look after you bones Even just a quick...... is good.
  4. 8. ....... helps your bones to become denser.
  5. 10. The smallest bone in our body is in our.....
  6. 15. You should have this many ribs but some people have more.
  7. 16. The unla is a long bone which is in your....
  8. 17. This fluid helps joints move easier.
  9. 19. Only 10% of the world's animals are........ (humans included)
  1. 1. these bones support our body's movement.
  2. 2. What are your bones mostly made of?
  3. 5. You more likely to get osteoporosis if you are a......
  4. 6. Bones are filled with spongy tissue called.....
  5. 7. This tissue connect bones to other bones.
  6. 9. This important bone supports most of our body weight.
  7. 11. ...... helps your bones to stop rubbing together.
  8. 12. This is the longest and strongest bone in our body
  9. 13. To do CPR properly you have to start by finding this bone.
  10. 14. What in the human body, once broken, can heal itself?
  11. 18. Not everyone may like them but these foods are good for bones as well.