Skeletal System

  1. 2. BONES,Thin layer of compact bone encasing cancellous bone
  2. 5. RIBS, A type of ribs that fasten to sternum by costal cartilages
  3. 8. at joint increases; return from flexion
  4. 11. BONES, Layer of cancellous bone between two plates of compact bone
  5. 14. joints between skull bones
  6. 16. movement turning sole of foot inward or outward
  7. 18. BONE, It joins the maxilla, frontal bone, and ethmoid.
  8. 20. Long bone of feet
  9. 21. BONES, Thin layer of compact bone encasing "core" of cancellous bone
  10. 22. BONE, A single bone in the neck, a part of the axial skeleton
  11. 23. It supports the medial part of the anterior chest wall
  1. 1. Forehead bone, also forms most of roof of orbits
  2. 3. bone upon its axis
  3. 4. BONE, Makes the framework of the lower, posterior part of the skull.
  4. 6. Arranged in two rows at proximal end of hand
  5. 7. bone away from body's median plane or moving bone back toward body's median plane
  6. 9. Smooth area between supraciliary ridges and above nose
  7. 10. BERTEBRAE, Distinguished by the spinous process, which is long and projects downward to overlap the next inferior vertebra.
  8. 11. RIBS, A type of ribs that do not attach to sternum directly
  9. 12. Small bone forming upper part of bridge of nose
  10. 13. Bone of little finger side of forearm, longer than radius
  11. 15. EXTREMITY, Consist of the bones of the shoulder girdle, upper arm, lower arm, wrist, and hand.
  12. 17. , The main shaft like portion of a long bone
  13. 19. STORAGE, Bones serve as storage depots for calcium
  14. 23. Breast bone flat dagger-shaped bone