Skeletal System

  1. 3. made of numerous branching bony plates, irregular connecting spaces to help reduce the bone's weight
  2. 6. platelike ex: ribs
  3. 8. variety of shapes; usually connected to several other bones
  4. 11. bone building cells
  5. 13. specialized type of soft connective tissue that makes red blood cells or stores fat
  6. 16. contains blood vessels and nerve fibers, lacunae for cirlces around
  7. 17. farthest end of a long bone
  8. 18. tough vascular covering of fibrous tissue
  9. 19. break down calcified extracellular matrix
  1. 1. hollow chamber that houses marrow
  2. 2. long longitudinal axes and expanded ends
  3. 4. shaft of long bone
  4. 5. nearest expanded end of long bone
  5. 7. cubelike bones, lengths and widths roughly equal
  6. 9. bone cell
  7. 10. process of blood cell formation
  8. 12. wall of the diaphysis; tightly packed tissue
  9. 14. form concentric circles
  10. 15. lines medullary cavity