Skeletal System Review

  1. 4. If someone opens their mouth, their mandible is doing this movement.
  2. 6. The end of a long bone, it is filled with spongy bone
  3. 8. that act of turning your foot in towards the middle
  4. 9. Made by bone marrow in spongy bone
  5. 10. A fibrous covering that surrounds and protects the bone
  6. 11. When the joints do not work correctly, there is less mobility and often pain - often happens in older people
  7. 12. Type of fracture that often happens during sports. It is where the
  1. 1. A skeletal movement that increases the angle of the joint
  2. 2. The most movable kind of joint, there is a cavity between the bones and the end of the bones have articular cartilage on them.
  3. 3. A fracture that occurs where the bone does not break entirely. It often happens in soft bones of young people
  4. 5. non-movable joint (based on function)
  5. 7. The middle of a long bone, it holds yellow marrow