Skeletal System Review

  1. 3. The "shin bone" or larger of the two lower leg bones
  2. 4. Group of 7 bones found in the start of the foot
  3. 6. We have 24 of these flat bones protecting our organs
  4. 10. the longest section of the spine, 12 total
  5. 12. Finger & toe bones
  6. 13. A crack or break in a bone.
  7. 17. Type of bones group that are bones found within a tendon
  8. 19. Type of bone group that protect the internal organs; ex-sternum, ribs
  9. 20. Vertebrae found in the neck area, 7 total
  10. 21. side to side curvature of the spine
  11. 23. Largest, strongest bone in the body
  12. 25. Type of bone group that vary in shape and size, include the vertebrae and mandible
  13. 26. Increased porosity or softening of the bones
  14. 27. "Swayback" increased curve in the lumbar region
  15. 28. When a bone is forcibly displaced from a joint
  1. 1. "Hunchback" increased curvature of the thoracic spine
  2. 2. The long bones found in the mid-foot
  3. 5. This structure includes the cranium, mandible and facial bones
  4. 7. Type of bone group that weight bear; ex- femur, humerus
  5. 8. Vertebrae found in the low back area, 5 total
  6. 9. Also known as a slipped or herniated disk
  7. 11. The very last vertebra in the spine
  8. 14. A bone inflammation of an abscess within the bone
  9. 15. A twisting action stretches or tears a ligament.
  10. 16. Inflammation of the bursae, which are small fluid filled sacs in the joints
  11. 18. a group of diseases involving inflammation of the joints
  12. 22. Group of 8 bones found in the start of the hand
  13. 24. Type of bone group that provide stability & structure, tarsals & carpals