Skeletal System

  1. 5. bone that forms the cheeks
  2. 9. inner surface of medullary cavity
  3. 10. calcane/o
  4. 11. pointing the toes downward
  5. 13. joint inflammation
  6. 16. joint with no movement
  7. 20. turning the palm or foot upward
  8. 21. end of a long bone
  9. 22. a tear in a ligament
  1. 1. bone that forms the bridge of the nose
  2. 2. backward bending
  3. 3. composed of cranial, facial, thoracic and spinal bones
  4. 4. projection on the lower end of the sternum
  5. 6. movement away from the midline of the body
  6. 7. inside of diaphysis
  7. 8. joint with little movement
  8. 11. membrane covering most bones
  9. 12. femur/o
  10. 14. place where bones come together
  11. 15. joint that has free movement
  12. 17. shaft of a long bone
  13. 18. turning inward
  14. 19. dense, flexible connective tissue