Skeletal System

  1. 2. bumps, holes, and ridges that cover bones
  2. 3. bone destroying cell
  3. 5. a slightly moveable joint
  4. 7. Fibrous connective tissue membrane
  5. 8. C1
  6. 9. The line is a remnant of the epiphyseal plate scene and young, growing bone
  7. 11. small sac filled with fluid
  8. 15. Carry blood vessels and nerves to all areas of the bone
  9. 16. Red marrow in adults is confined to cavities in spongy bone of flat bones and the epiphysis of some long bones
  10. 19. C2
  11. 21. shaft that makes up most of the bands links and is composed of compact bone. Covered and protected by periosteum
  12. 23. bones United by cartilage
  13. 29. the curvatures in the cervical and lumbar regions
  14. 32. mature bone cells
  15. 33. bone forming cell
  16. 34. gliding of a joint that does not involve rotation around any axis
  17. 36. bones joined by fibrous tissue
  18. 38. the rounded end of one bone fits into a sleeve or ring of a bone
  19. 40. bone breaks incompletely
  20. 42. fibrous Membranes in the skull where bone has not yet formed
  21. 43. they allow movement around one axis only
  22. 44. tiny canals that radiate outward from the central can out to the lacunae
  23. 50. a blood filled swelling
  24. 51. essential if bones are to retain normal proportions and strength
  25. 53. an immovable joint
  26. 55. adipose tissue
  27. 56. articulate surfaces are essentially flat
  28. 57. elbow
  29. 58. a curving inward of the lower back
  30. 59. Slipped disc
  31. 60. longer than they are wide. They have a shaft with heads at both ends.
  1. 1. process of creating new blood cells in the body
  2. 4. Cavity of the shaft that is also the storage area for adipose tissue
  3. 6. concentric circles that the Lucanae are arranged in
  4. 10. the discs of fibrocartilage between the vertebrae
  5. 12. the spinal curvatures in the thoracic and sacreal regions
  6. 13. run in the compact bone at right angles to the shaft
  7. 14. portion of the skeleton of vertebrates consisting of the bones or cartilage that support the appendages
  8. 16. how a fracture is treated
  9. 17. a freely moveable joint
  10. 18. Bone is crushed
  11. 20. part of the skeleton that consists of bones of the head and trunk of the vertebrae
  12. 22. dense and looks smooth and homogeneous
  13. 24. process of bone formation
  14. 25. sideways curvature of the spine
  15. 26. hold the eyes in the anterior position and allow the facial muscles to show our feelings through smiles or frowns
  16. 27. then, flattened, and usually curved. They have two thin layers of compact bone sandwiching a layer of spongy bone between them
  17. 28. The ends of the long bone. Consists of a thin layer of compact bone in closing an area filled with spongy bone
  18. 30. glassy hyaline cartilage.
  19. 31. freely movable joint
  20. 35. happens when a bone is forced out of its normal joint cavity
  21. 37. Secure the periosteum to the underlying bone
  22. 39. enclosed and protects the fragile brain tissue
  23. 41. composed of small needle like pieces of bone and lots of open space
  24. 45. bones that do not fit in another category
  25. 46. generally cube shaped and contain mostly spongy bone
  26. 47. tiny cavities that are arranged in concentric circles called lamellae around haverion canals
  27. 48. movement in all axes
  28. 49. joint, point where two bones meet
  29. 52. movement around 2 axes only
  30. 54. forward rounding of the back