Skeletal System

  1. 2. bone Larger than wide, shaft with heads at both ends
  2. 4. Joints that allow rotation around two axis
  3. 5. A crunching noise
  4. 7. bones They hold the eyes in an anterior position and allow the facial muscles to express feelings
  5. 9. Part of the skull that encloses and protects the fragile brain tissue
  6. 14. fracture Ragged break ouccurs when excessive twisting forces are applied, common sports fractures
  7. 17. joint Cylindrical ens of one bone that fits into a trough-shaped surface on another bone,humerus-ulna, uniaxial
  8. 18. spurs Extra bone tissue
  9. 20. cartilage It covers the external surface of the bone
  10. 22. remodeling Helps bones retain normal proportions and strenght during long bone growth
  11. 23. cavity Central cavity of the bone shaft
  12. 24. Blood-filled swelling
  13. 26. Sites where two or more bones meet, another name for joint
  14. 29. fracture Bone breaks into many pieces, common in aged people because their bones are more brittle
  15. 31. fracture Broken bone ends are forced into each other, common when are attempts to break a fall with outstreched arms
  16. 32. joint Spherical head of one bone fits into a round socket in another, multiaxial, scapula-head of humerus
  17. 38. fracture Bone breaks incompleteley; common in children,whose bones are more flexible
  18. 40. disc Dry discs and weakening of the ligaments of the spine cause that
  19. 43. Concentric cirles of calcified matrix
  20. 44. Chronic degenerative condition, typically affects the aged
  21. 45. marrow It's a storage area for adipose tissue in adults
  22. 46. curvatures Spinal curvatures present when we are born
  23. 47. skeleton The bones of the limbs and girdles and provide movement
  24. 49. bone It's less dense, makes the bone more flexible
  25. 50. They are immovable joints
  26. 51. Bone-destroying cells in bones that break bone matrix to release calcium
  27. 53. Fibrous connective tissue membrane that covers the diaphysis
  28. 57. Process where the cartilage becomes bone
  29. 58. Freely movable joints predominate in the limbs
  30. 59. joint Synovial joint that allows only glidling or slipping movements, nonaxial, carpals
  31. 60. It makes up most of the bone's lenght, composed by compact bone
  32. 63. Inflammation of bursae or synovial membranae
  33. 64. Second cervical vertebra
  34. 65. Fibrous membranes that connect the cranial bones in the fetus
  35. 67. bone Cube-shaped and contain mostly spongy bone
  36. 68. Bone-forming cells that cover the hyaline cartilage with bone matrix
  37. 70. Mature bone cells, found in lacunae
  38. 71. bone Doesn't fit in a category, vertebrae are an example
  1. 1. bone It has a calcified matrix and gives bones rigidity
  2. 3. Ligaments or tendons reinforcing a joint are demaged by excessive stretching or they are torn away from the bone
  3. 5. joint Egg-shaped articular surface of one bone fits into an oval concavity in another, biaxial, metacarpals-phalange
  4. 6. joont Each articular surface has both convex and concave areas, biaxial, carpal-metacarpal
  5. 8. Cavities where the osteocytes are found
  6. 10. joints Theis joint cavities contain synovial fluid
  7. 11. Joints that allow rotation around one axis only
  8. 12. Realignement of the broken bone ends
  9. 13. The ends of the long bone filled with spongy bone
  10. 15. skeleton Forms the longitudinal axis of the body
  11. 16. joint Rounded end of one bone fits into a sleeve or ring of bone, uniaxial, radius-ulna
  12. 19. Joints that allow movements in all axis
  13. 21. arthritis A chronic inflammation disorder that hit the joints
  14. 25. canal Tubes that allow blood vessels and nerves to travel through them
  15. 27. Forward rounding of the spine
  16. 28. First cervical vertebra
  17. 29. fracture Bone is crushed, common in porous bones
  18. 30. disc Pads of flexible fibrocartilage that separate the vertebrae
  19. 33. Slightly movable joints
  20. 34. Tiny canals that allow the communication between lacunae
  21. 35. Flatted fibrous sacs lined with synovial membrane and containing synovial fluid
  22. 36. curvatures Spinal curvatures in cervical and lumbar region develop after birth
  23. 37. Formation of blood cellular components
  24. 39. fibers Connective tissue fibers that secure the periosteum to the bone
  25. 41. joints Bone ends connected by fibrocartilage
  26. 42. Inflammation of the joints
  27. 48. Joints that don't involve rotaion around any axis
  28. 52. Sideways curve of the spine
  29. 54. plate It causes the lenghtwide growth of a long bone
  30. 55. Inward lordotic curvature of the lumbar region of the spine
  31. 56. canal They connect the haversian canals with each other and the periosteum
  32. 57. An increased softening of the bone resulting from a gradual decrease in rate of bone formation
  33. 58. Bone is forced out of its normal position in the joint cavity
  34. 61. joints Bones united by fibrous tissue, suture of the skull
  35. 62. fracture Broken bone portion in pressed inward, typical of a skull fracture
  36. 66. bone Flattened, thin and curved bones
  37. 69. A disease in which uric acid accumulates in the blood and may be deposited as needle-shaped crystal in the shaft tissues of joints
  38. 72. marrow Area where red blood cells are created