skeletal system

  1. 4. designated as those bones that are as wide as they are long
  2. 11. A joint in which movement occurs in a number of axes
  3. 12. is a type of synovial joint
  4. 14. part of the outer fibrous layer of periosteum
  5. 15. soft spot in the skull of an infant, covered with tough, fibrous membrane
  6. 16. part of the skeleton that consists of the bones of the head and trunk of a vertebrate
  7. 17. a small channel or duct
  8. 19. A curving inward of the lower back
  9. 20. also known as spongy or trabecular bone, is one of the two types of bone tissue found in the human body
  10. 21. synovial joint where one of the bones forming the joint is shaped like a saddle with the other bone resting on it like a rider on a horse
  11. 22. is a surgical procedure to restore a fracture or dislocation to the correct alignment
  12. 23. mainly made up of fat cells
  13. 24. common class of synovial joint that includes the ankle, elbow, and knee joints
  14. 26. the skull, especially the part enclosing the brain
  15. 30. either type of cartilaginous joint
  16. 31. a break or splinter of the bone into more than two fragments
  17. 33. A condition which refers to a problem with a rubbery disk between the spinal bones
  18. 34. is a bone fracture in which the parts of the broken bone are driven toward or into each other by force
  19. 36. attachments or articulations include fossa, ramus, and condyle
  20. 39. is a synovial joint which, under physiological conditions, allows only gliding movement
  21. 42. bones whose principal function is either extensive protection or the provision of broad surfaces for muscular attachment
  22. 43. an immovably fixed joint between bones connected by fibrous tissue
  23. 45. is the central cavity of bone shafts
  24. 49. a dense layer of vascular connective tissue enveloping the bones except at the surfaces of the joints.
  25. 50. are a series of microscopic tubes in the outermost region of bone called cortical bone that allow blood vessels and nerves to travel through
  26. 52. an imaginary line about which a body rotates
  27. 53. having or relating to a single axis
  28. 55. develop after birth
  29. 57. a bone cell, formed when an osteoblast becomes embedded in the matrix it has secreted
  30. 58. a natural or manufactured joint or coupling, such as the hip joint, in which a partially spherical end lies in a socket, allowing multidirectional movement and rotation.
  31. 60. having or relating to two axes.
  32. 62. a cavity or depression, especially in bone
  33. 64. the end part of a long bone
  34. 65. line/plate is a hyaline cartilage plate in the metaphysis at each end of a long bone
  35. 66. connected entirely by cartilage
  36. 67. no joint cavity and are connected via fibrous connective tissue
  37. 68. process of creating new blood cells in the body
  38. 69. longer than they are wide
  1. 1. a large multinucleate bone cell that absorbs bone tissue during growth and healing
  2. 2. Red blood cells, platelets and most white blood cells arise
  3. 3. joins bones with a fibrous joint capsule
  4. 5. in bone remodeling is the process of laying down new bone material by cells called osteoblasts
  5. 6. A sideways curvature of the spine.
  6. 7. a lifelong process where mature bone tissue is removed from the skeleton
  7. 8. also known as diarthrosis, joins bones with a fibrous joint
  8. 9. a fluid-filled sac or saclike cavity, especially one countering friction at a joint
  9. 10. a break in a cranial bone resembling a thin line, without splintering, depression, or distortion of bone
  10. 13. the state of being jointed.
  11. 18. a solid swelling of clotted blood within the tissues
  12. 25. Occurs when one or more bones in the spine weaken and crumple
  13. 27. a roundish, flattened part in an animal or plant, in particular
  14. 28. any of the small channels in the bone that transmit blood vessels from the periosteum into the bone and that communicate with the haversian canals
  15. 29. An injury where a joint is forced out of normal position
  16. 32. a cell that secretes the matrix for bone formation
  17. 35. protection of nervous tissue
  18. 37. the most superior (first) cervical vertebra of the spine
  19. 38. is an ovoid articular surface, or condyle that is received into an elliptical cavity
  20. 40. a thin layer, membrane, scale, or platelike tissue or part, especially in bone tissue
  21. 41. the shaft or central part of a long bone
  22. 44. smooth, white tissue that covers the ends of bones where they come together to form joints
  23. 46. form during fetal development
  24. 47. the portion of the skeleton of vertebrates consisting of the bones or cartilage that support the appendages
  25. 48. bone fracture occurring when torque (a rotating force) is applied along the axis of a bone
  26. 51. a fracture of the bone, occurring typically in children, in which one side of the bone is broken and the other only bent.
  27. 54. such as maxilla or mandible.
  28. 56. A type of arthritis that occurs when flexible tissue at the ends of bones wears down.
  29. 59. A forward rounding of the back
  30. 61. cortical bone
  31. 63. plane joint