
  1. 3. having or relating to a single axis
  2. 7. a bone cell, formed when an osteoblast becomes embedded in the matrix it has secreted
  3. 8. part of the skeleton that consists of the bones of the head trunk and vertebrae
  4. 10. a solid swelling of clotted blood within the brain
  5. 12. abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
  6. 13. formed between two or more bones where the bones can only move along one axis to flex or extend
  7. 15. designated as those bones that are as wide as they are long. primary function is to provide support and stability with little to no movement
  8. 20. shaft or central part of a long bone
  9. 22. a roundish, flattened part in an animal or plant
  10. 23. a thin layer, membrane, scale, or platelike tissue or part
  11. 24. permit sliding or gliding movements in the plane of articular surfaces
  12. 25. hyaline cartilage plate in the metaphysis at the end of a long bone
  13. 26. the topmost vertebra of the backbone
  14. 28. a space between the bones of the skull in an infant or fetus
  15. 30. part of the bone that consists of concentric lamellar osteons and interstitial lamellae
  16. 31. system or method of evaluation, grounded in the biopsychosocial model of assessment that considers multiple factors in mental health diagnoses
  17. 33. a fracture of the bone, occurring typically in children, in which one side of the bone is broken and the other only bent
  18. 34. bone in which the spicules from a latticework, with interstices filled with embryonic connective tissue or bone marrow
  19. 38. one of the fragments is driven into another fragment
  20. 40. the highly specialized connective tissue of diarthodial joints
  21. 44. joins bones with a fibrous joint capsule that is continuous with the periosteum of the joined bones
  22. 46. allow more movement between bones than a fibrous joint but less than the highly mobile synovial joint
  23. 47. permits movement in two planes, allowing flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, and circumduction
  24. 49. an unfilled space or interval
  25. 50. excessive inward curvature
  26. 51. collapse of a vertebra
  27. 55. A joint in which a section of a cylinder of one bone fits into a corresponding cavity on the other, permitting rotating movement
  28. 56. break or splinter of the bone into more than two fragments
  29. 59. excessive outward curvature of the spine, causing the hunch back
  30. 60. the skull, especially the part enclosing the brain
  31. 61. any of the small channels in bone that transmit blood vessels from the periosteum into the bone and that lie perpendicular to and communicate with the haversian canals
  32. 62. used to attach muscle to the periosteum of bone by merging with the fibrous periosteum
  33. 63. articulation that permits free movement
  34. 64. immovable fixed joints between bones connected by fibrous tissue
  35. 65. bones which, from their peculiar form, cannot be grouped as long bone, short bone, flat bone or sesamoid bone
  36. 66. any of the minute tubes that form a network in bone and contain blood vessels
  37. 67. disturbance from a proper, original, or usual place or state
  38. 68. natural process of bone formation
  1. 1. fluid filled sac or saclike cavity
  2. 2. bones whose principal function is either extensive protection or the provision of broad surfaces
  3. 4. lifelong process where mature bone tissue is removed from the skeleton
  4. 5. bone marrow characterized by meshes of the reticular network that contain the developmental stages of red blood cells, white blood cells and megakaryocytes
  5. 6. a small channel or duct
  6. 9. second cervical vertebra
  7. 11. these joints have no joint cavity and are connected via fibrous connective tissue
  8. 14. a dense layer of vascular connective tissue enveloping the bones except at the surfaces of the joints
  9. 16. a large multinucleate bone cell that absorbs bone tissue during growth and healing
  10. 17. the bones surrounding the mouth and nose and contributing to the orbits
  11. 18. a condition in which the annulus fibrous of the vertebral disc is torn
  12. 19. ventrally concave curve of the fetal vertebral column
  13. 21. bone marrow that is yellow with fat
  14. 27. the portion of the skeleton of vertebrates consisting of the bones or cartilage that support the appendages
  15. 29. a cell that secretes the matrix for bone formation
  16. 32. having or relating to two axes
  17. 34. saddle-shaped articular surfaces that are convex in one direction and concave in another and that permit movements in all directions except axial rotation
  18. 35. thing that is made smaller or less in size or amount
  19. 36. the production of blood cells and platelets, which occurs in the bone marrow
  20. 37. ventrally convex curve of the vertebral column
  21. 39. a natural or manufactured joint or coupling, such as the hip joint, in which a partially spherical end lies in a socket, allowing multidirectional movement and rotation
  22. 41. bone fracture occurring when torque (a rotating force) is applied along the axis of a bone
  23. 42. a fracture especially of the skull in which the fragment is depressed below the normal surface
  24. 43. the central cavity of bone shafts where red bone marrow and yellow bone marrow
  25. 45. state of being jointed
  26. 48. characteristics on the surface of the axial and appendicular bones that indicate attachments, articulations or openings for nerves and blood vessels
  27. 52. hard, dense bone that provides strength, structure, and mobility
  28. 53. a type of articulation between bony surfaces that permits limited motion and is connected by ligaments or elastic cartilage
  29. 54. degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone
  30. 57. one that allows for no movement in any plane
  31. 58. the end part of a long bone, initially growing separately from the shaft