Skin Anatomy and Pathology

  1. 3. Collection of pus
  2. 4. pigment of the melanocyte
  3. 6. hard protein material
  4. 7. Decubitus ulcer
  5. 10. oil substance secreted by
  6. 12. fat cells
  7. 14. soft tissue surrounding the nail border
  8. 15. stretch marks
  1. 1. tiny opening on the skin
  2. 2. death of tissue due to loss of blood supply
  3. 5. white region at the base of a nail plate
  4. 7. Large vesicle
  5. 8. gland
  6. 9. inflammation of the skin with erythematous, papulovesicular, or papulosquamous lesions
  7. 11. connective tissue containing collagen, middle layer of skin
  8. 13. itching