
  1. 3. What class does Ever take that has Ms. DeWise in it?
  2. 4. What does happens when Ever has too much food after the surgery?
  3. 6. What is Ever's step-mother's name?
  4. 7. What is the nickname of Ever's best friend?
  5. 8. Who is the main character of Skinny?
  6. 9. Does Skinny leave at the end?
  7. 10. What is the animal Ever compares herself to?
  8. 12. What was Ever's mother's job?
  9. 15. Who is the crush and ex-friend of Ever?
  10. 17. Where does Ever finally face Skinny?
  1. 1. What kind of movies does Ever like?
  2. 2. What did Ever's mother die from?
  3. 3. What does Ever think Skinny looks like?
  4. 4. How much does Ever weight at the beginning of the book?
  5. 5. What is a talent that Ever has?
  6. 11. What is the name of Ever’s younger stepsister?
  7. 13. What Disney character is Ever compared to by the day care kids?
  8. 14. What does Ever do to lose weight?
  9. 16. What does Rat make to track Ever’s weight difference?
  10. 18. What state do that live in?