- 3. What class does Ever take that has Ms. DeWise in it?
- 4. What does happens when Ever has too much food after the surgery?
- 6. What is Ever's step-mother's name?
- 7. What is the nickname of Ever's best friend?
- 8. Who is the main character of Skinny?
- 9. Does Skinny leave at the end?
- 10. What is the animal Ever compares herself to?
- 12. What was Ever's mother's job?
- 15. Who is the crush and ex-friend of Ever?
- 17. Where does Ever finally face Skinny?
- 1. What kind of movies does Ever like?
- 2. What did Ever's mother die from?
- 3. What does Ever think Skinny looks like?
- 4. How much does Ever weight at the beginning of the book?
- 5. What is a talent that Ever has?
- 11. What is the name of Ever’s younger stepsister?
- 13. What Disney character is Ever compared to by the day care kids?
- 14. What does Ever do to lose weight?
- 16. What does Rat make to track Ever’s weight difference?
- 18. What state do that live in?