SKMS Tech Ed Crossword

  1. 3. One who creates new technology.
  2. 5. Guidelines and rules in place to keep accidents from happening, and to keep people from harm.
  3. 6. Improved Technology.
  4. 7. A power tool used to make round holes in wood, plastic, and metal.
  5. 8. A power tool with a continuous banded blade often used to cut wood and plastic in our Tech Ed lab.
  6. 10. Simply defined, is the use of tools, materials, and processes used to meet human needs and wants.
  7. 13. A laser cutting and engraver machine used in our production lab for making many projects.
  8. 15. A printer used to create 3 dimensional objects using plastic.
  9. 16. VirginA Student Training And Refurbishment program.
  1. 1. New Technology.
  2. 2. These tools are often plugged in to a source of electricity (battery or plug) to help complete a process or task.
  3. 4. One who improves upon existing technology.
  4. 5. A process in which a material is transformed from a solid, into a gas, and then back into a solid using heat and pressure.
  5. 9. In our lab, we can process many ___, such as wood, plastic, ceramics, T-Shirts, paper, card board, and many others.
  6. 11. These tools or devices are often used to help people carry out necessary tasks and are powered only by hand.
  7. 12. Direct Current (Power, such as a battery)
  8. 14. Alternating Current (Power, such as from a power outlet)