
  1. 5. to complain/lament about
  2. 7. customer
  3. 8. cruelty
  4. 9. victim
  5. 11. to change (money, clothes)
  6. 13. crafty, cunning
  7. 17. to insult, swear at
  8. 18. meaning
  9. 19. fellow human being
  10. 20. to be regarded as, be considered
  11. 21. bookstore
  1. 1. disaster, calamity
  2. 2. curiosity
  3. 3. to speak to, address
  4. 4. remark, comment
  5. 6. billfold
  6. 10. to excuse
  7. 12. stranger
  8. 14. theme, subject
  9. 15. people
  10. 16. human being