Sleep 2

  1. 1. accept or support (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically.
  2. 4. make a quick short movement up and down.
  3. 6. tending to cause harm.
  4. 8. (of a light, color, or illuminated object) not shining brightly or clearly.
  5. 9. up end up in a specified state, situation, or place.
  6. 12. given, felt, or done in return
  7. 13. (with reference to sleep) deeply and without disturbance.
  8. 14. the principal team representing a high school or college in a sport or other competition.
  1. 2. in a long-lasting or habitual and problematic way.
  2. 3. far away in space or time.
  3. 5. officially register as a member of an institution or a student on a course.
  4. 7. at first.
  5. 10. make or become better.
  6. 11. enroll (someone) as a member or worker in an organization or as a supporter of a cause.
  7. 15. attempt to find (something).