Sleep Hygiene

  1. 3. Using a _____________ can help identify the amount of sleep we get a night.
  2. 6. The bed should only be used for ____________.
  3. 8. Having a busy ____________ can affect the amount of sleep we get per night.
  4. 10. A factor that prevents teens from getting enough sleep is early ___________ start times.
  5. 12. Teens who don't get enough sleep are more prone to risk taking _____________.
  6. 13. Keep a consistent bed time ___________.
  7. 14. Minimize the use of _____________ such as laptops, IPads, and cell phones 1 hour before bed.
  8. 16. Eat meals ____________, and avoid going to bed on an empty stomach.
  9. 18. Teens are most prone to falling asleep while ___________, this can be very dangerous.
  10. 19. Not enough sleep can affect our _________, and can result in attention problems.
  1. 1. Avoid consuming ___________ in to the late afternoon and evening.
  2. 2. ___________ is not only bad for your overall health, but it also disrupts sleep.
  3. 4. Incorporate _________ into your daily routine.
  4. 5. Create a sleep friendly _____________.
  5. 7. ____________is a stimulant and can cause sleep disruptions.
  6. 8. Do not rely on ____________ to help you sleep.
  7. 9. Being sleep deprived can affect __________ performance.
  8. 11. Not getting enough sleep can affect our ________.
  9. 15. The bedroom should be comfortable, _______, quiet and dark place for sleeping.
  10. 17. Typically you need _________ hours of sleep per night.