Sleep Hygiene

  1. 2. Turn these off an hour before bed to help your body relax
  2. 4. Relaxation method to calm your mind and tune into any tension in your body
  3. 7. Using a _____ _______ can help fill the room with quiet, relaxing sounds
  4. 9. Something you can turn on to circulate air in the room and stay col while you sleep
  5. 10. Cover your windows and turn off lights to keep your room ____
  6. 11. Sleep hygiene is important for both you and your _________
  1. 1. Having a bedroom environment and sleep routine that promote high quality sleep
  2. 3. Schedule you follow each night to help yourself relax before bed
  3. 5. Diffusing essential oils with scents like ________ can make your bedroom more restful
  4. 6. Taking a hot _______ before bed might help you unwind
  5. 8. Something to listen to as you get ready for bed to help yourself relax
  6. 9. Stop drinking water at least ____ hours before bed