Sleepy Teachers & Staff

  1. 1. Hello Sunshine is her motto
  2. 4. Asst Principal, former Math teacher
  3. 6. Sings, Skis and Swings a racquet
  4. 7. Booklover
  5. 8. She's' always there to help you with a problem
  6. 9. He has chemistry
  7. 11. Is an Honorable Horseman
  8. 13. Our own galloping gourmet
  1. 2. He likes to experiment
  2. 3. We have another doctor in the house
  3. 5. Radiohead
  4. 6. She's a doctor now
  5. 7. He has a show named after his hood
  6. 10. Two teachers married to each other
  7. 12. Travels the world without leaving the classroom
  8. 14. Student Government Rules