- 2. building where we have large group
- 4. building on campus with a dinosaur
- 5. half of cuatro
- 6. do or do not there is no try
- 9. chili
- 11. five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it
- 12. craves attention
- 14. number of small group leaders
- 15. meet on mondays and thursdays
- 16. sixty six books
- 17. day large group is held
- 18. book of the bible from which this week's small group passage was from
- 22. ____ seeds: smoothie choice
- 23. red play button
- 25. in the beginning
- 26. can fill a room but takes up no space
- 29. dancing with j2k song 2022
- 31. shakespearean monologue
- 32. boba
- 34. building we are in right now
- 37. what you are doing right now
- 38. just do it
- 1. cell division
- 3. future flower
- 7. post-apocalyptic society
- 8. emotional strain
- 10. midwest card game
- 13. large group room number
- 14. small group theme last semester
- 19. meets tuesdays, wednesdays, and thursdays
- 20. book we studied in small group last semester
- 21. uber alternative
- 22. has a head and a tail but no body
- 24. large at starbucks
- 25. melting ice caps
- 27. redstone in minecraft, e.g.
- 28. essential beverage
- 30. grass with many paths
- 33. where half of the small group leaders live
- 35. can't talk but will reply when spoken to
- 36. best chicken sandwiches