Small steps: The year I got Polio

  1. 3. The setting at the beginning of the story is the... ( First hospital )
  2. 6. "Holding my breath, I tried again. The fingers on my left hand moved back and forth" What is the mood?
  3. 8. The tone when Peg starts to walk again is __.
  4. 9. As Alice sings, the mood is __.
  5. 10. What is the mood Peg is in when she realizes everyone is glad she's back?
  1. 1. "Within an hour, my temperature dropped. That Chocolate milkshake may have saved my life." What is the tone?
  2. 2. At the end of the book ( last chapter ), where is the setting?
  3. 4. What is the tone when Peg gets diagnosed with Polio?
  4. 5. What is the mood Peg is in when she first comes back to school?
  5. 7. When Peg has a high temperature and her parents think she's about to die the tone is what?