Smart Cars

  1. 2. Drinking excessively could cause many ______ to one's health.
  2. 5. Have you already _________ how much money you need for studying abroad.
  3. 10. The ______ of GPS makes our travel more efficient.
  4. 11. The whole house will _______ when a heavy truck passes.
  5. 13. The _______ history course made him fall into a sound sleep.
  6. 16. Theresa May announced that she is willing to resign if there is no __________ from the parliament for passing the Brexit deal.
  7. 17. They ________ together to let other people squeeze into the crowded elevator.
  8. 18. There was a car in the blind spot of the driver when he was changing lane.
  9. 19. The ______-ing wheel is a part of a car, using which you could change your driving direction.
  10. 21. Supposing the sensors hidden in the dashboard detect alcohol vapor in the air, the car will refuse to start up the engine.
  11. 22. My computer broke down with increasing ___________.
  1. 1. The actor was ________ to be the laureate of the Academy Award when he knew that he got a nomination.
  2. 3. When I picked up the _______ of the phone, it was just disconnected.
  3. 4. The computer in the car sounded an _______ when it was stolen.
  4. 6. Tom reckons gamble as a ________ occupation.
  5. 7. _________ 100 people are killed in the explosion of c chemical plant in Xiangsu Province.
  6. 8. A sound contract will _________ most of the conflicts between landlord and tenant.
  7. 9. His latest books ________ his earlier researches.
  8. 12. _________ industry is the pillar industry of 20th century.
  9. 14. The explosion of the chemical plant saw a high ______ rate.
  10. 15. A state-owned company built a __________ to demonstrate how does that famous principle work.
  11. 20. They mount their trophy that is won in the game on the shelf.