
  1. 2. A device in a mobile phone which can measure angle, tilt and orientation
  2. 3. Short Message Service
  3. 4. A feature which is part of the mobile phone enabling it to capture digital images
  4. 7. A device which allows you to make and receive calls
  5. 9. The unit of resolution used to refer to the quality of photographs taken by the phone’s camera
  6. 11. Many phones make use of this system so that they can pinpoint your location and act as satellite navigation devices
  1. 1. Flash storage which is used to store music, video and photographs on the phone. Usually measured in GB.
  2. 3. A mobile phone which can be used to send emails, use the internet, load applications as well make calls and send texts
  3. 5. The front portion of a smartphone that uses sensors to pick up points of pressure
  4. 6. A short range technology that allows you to connect to the internet or transmit files
  5. 8. A radio technology that works over a fairly long distance. Can be used to allow you to connect to the internet via your phone
  6. 9. The file format that music tracks are stored in for use on a mobile phone
  7. 10. Small software program that can be purchased from a specialist online store and downloaded to the phone