- 2. Felix's other alter ego
- 7. alan's beloved puppy
- 10. where jabali works
- 11. seaney __ here
- 12. Felix's alter econ ego
- 17. where alan and atos live
- 19. michael minchak equivalent
- 22. the calderons, the millers, the virgas, the reguinhos, the baptistas, the silvas, and the jernigans
- 23. number of floors in the B.A.T.H.
- 24. name of the beloved jeep patriot
- 25. first ever friday adventure location
- 26. singer of mr. rager (not really)
- 27. next 4 for the kratzy twins!!
- 30. caused a car accident
- 32. what zack said to veegs on September 9th 2021
- 33. jess's favorite food group stfu
- 36. seaney's new shoes are __
- 37. what I am according to Colin
- 38. lucas baptista's favorite type of cheese
- 42. Felix alter ego (janet's lover)
- 44. Gabby's fake student profile
- 45. Seaney's beverage of choice
- 46. lucas baptista's favorite lunch
- 47. biggest emotion caused by econ
- 1. Roses are red,
- 3. veegs's creative halloween costume
- 4. sofia minadaki's test grade
- 5. queen of the universe
- 6. four emotions commonly felt in photos
- 8. nobody runs a ship like her
- 9. the girls
- 13. simon's claim to fame
- 14. relay theme suggestion turned nickname
- 15. prom and candy knows how to make one
- 16. broke ethan's car door handle
- 18. unmasked alan
- 20. mL's artist of choice in the car
- 21. outdoor lunch location
- 28. tooted on camera
- 29. best word to describe max ho during most hours of the day
- 31. gabby and molly's favorite car singalong song
- 34. michael minchak's favorite lunchtime beverage
- 35. hey do you know my cousin ____?
- 38. measurement of water according to mL
- 39. can I just say ___ for Lucas
- 40. number of times Wesley took his drivers test
- 41. mL is passing the phone to a ____
- 43. keli stop i'm learning about ____
- 46. hacked Kelli's computer