SN33003FP Chapter 1 Crossword

  1. 1. Sensors and alert networks that warn of potential attacks.
  2. 4. Comprehensive databases of known vulnerabilities shared worldwide to prevent attacks.
  3. 9. Highly trained hackers who steal secrets or commit sabotage for their government.
  4. 10. Threats posed by the increasing use of mobile devices to access enterprise information.
  5. 11. Sharing of critical information about serious attacks to prevent similar ones.
  6. 13. Ethical hackers who discover weaknesses in networks or computer systems to improve their security.
  7. 14. Framework for implementing cybersecurity measures within an organization.
  8. 15. Black hat hackers who steal money from consumers and businesses.
  9. 16. Unethical hackers who exploit weaknesses in networks or computer systems for personal gain.
  10. 17. Legislation to discourage cyberattacks and punish cyber criminals.
  11. 18. Challenges posed by the huge amount, high speed, and diverse types of data needing protection.
  1. 2. Threats from employees or partners with inside access and knowledge.
  2. 3. Gray hat hackers who protest against political and social ideas by leaking sensitive information.
  3. 5. Gray hat hackers who exploit vulnerabilities and report them to vendors for rewards.
  4. 6. Teenagers or hobbyists with little skill who hack for fun, not profit.
  5. 7. Threats that exploit weaknesses to gain access to internal resources.
  6. 8. Technology connecting billions of devices to the Internet, affecting data protection needs.
  7. 12. Hackers between white and black hat who may find and report vulnerabilities or publish them for others to exploit.