SnE is the worst subject :D

  1. 4. there are seven of them on earth
  2. 6. the old name for tokyo
  3. 7. carried the plague
  4. 8. thing that happen in the past
  5. 9. another word for danger
  6. 10. has political power
  7. 11. layer after the core
  8. 13. causes a problem
  9. 15. the layer where we live on
  10. 16. middle of the earth
  11. 17. bottom of the medieval power pyramid
  12. 20. what killed millions of people and made them sick
  1. 1. happens when there is a earthquake
  2. 2. big mountains with lava coming out
  3. 3. bottom of the japan power pyramid
  4. 5. layer after the innercore
  5. 12. head of religious power
  6. 14. fighters who protects the emperor
  7. 18. people who trade with others
  8. 19. right of china