So Far From The Bamboo Grove

  1. 2. what Mother left Hideo so he understands that he needs to meet at the Seoul station
  2. 4. the city all the sick people from the hospital were sent to by train
  3. 7. people who hate the japanese and tried to hunt down Yoko and her family
  4. 9. how the family got to japan
  5. 10. City were Yoko's grandparents lived
  6. 12. Yoko's honorable sister that strongly helped the family survive
  7. 14. title of the book
  8. 19. What was bombed so the family was forced to jump off of
  9. 20. were Yoko had to go to after mother died to get an education
  1. 1. the corporal who warned Yoko, Mother, and Ko about the korean communists coming
  2. 3. Yoko, Ko, and Mother's resting place when they were tired
  3. 5. the two cities that were bombed my Americans to end the war
  4. 6. the main character and narrator of the book
  5. 8. what gave Hideo a reason to make it to seoul
  6. 11. the place theat was bombed by americans in the beggining of the book
  7. 13. the destination were the family had to escape to
  8. 15. The object that was used to cut of Yoko's hair
  9. 16. The path to the family's escape to Seoul
  10. 17. what Hideo hid in so the Korean Communists wont find him
  11. 18. Hideo's friend that was killed by Korean communists