- 4. the one position you can use your hands
- 6. when you shoot the ball from outside of the box
- 8. when you do a backflip and kick the ball mid air
- 9. what you do after a goal is scored
- 10. when the ball is at the edge of the field for a kick
- 12. when you kick the ball to a teamate
- 14. when you hit the ball with your head
- 1. when you kick the ball mid air
- 2. when the ball is kicked at the net
- 3. when the ball is stopped outside of the box for a kick
- 5. when the goal keeper kicks the ball high and far
- 7. when the ball is scored
- 9. when the ball is passed into the box
- 11. when the goal keeper hits or catches the ball to keep it out of the goal
- 13. when the ball is put on a dot inside the box