
  1. 4. fortnite
  2. 7. suck thumb
  3. 8. brazilian superstar
  4. 10. darts
  5. 11. gabriels head
  6. 14. egyptian king
  7. 15. cycling gk
  8. 16. slabhead
  9. 17. euro carry
  10. 19. let me talk
  1. 1. hes the best player in the world
  2. 2. raging gk
  3. 3. i am zlatan
  4. 5. ehhhh sa la ba do by long
  5. 6. fit
  6. 9. g.o.a.t
  7. 10. ankara
  8. 12. faq you
  9. 13. young talent
  10. 16. some time in the life i'm too competitive
  11. 18. can't speak english