
  1. 2. - Surname of a legendary Argentine soccer player
  2. 5. kick - A restart taken from the corner of the field
  3. 6. - Famous stadium in London, England
  4. 8. Cup - Global tournament held every four years
  5. 11. - Moving the ball past opponents with skillful footwork
  6. 14. - An infraction where an attacking player is ahead of the last defender
  7. 16. kick - Restart awarded for a foul, with no opposition within a certain distance
  8. 17. - Position responsible for scoring goals
  9. 19. League - Annual club competition in Europe
  10. 20. - Scoring three goals in a single match
  1. 1. - Surname of a famous Portuguese soccer player
  2. 3. - Pass that leads directly to a goal
  3. 4. - Technique of striking the ball with the head
  4. 7. - Player who operates primarily in the middle of the field
  5. 9. card - Ejection from the game for a severe offense
  6. 10. card - Caution given by the referee for a minor offense
  7. 12. - Top-tier professional soccer league in Germany
  8. 13. - Surname of a famous Argentine soccer player
  9. 15. - Governing body of international soccer
  10. 18. - Type of kick awarded to the opposing team for a major foul