
  1. 1. like "happened"
  2. 3. before twelve
  3. 5. well known
  4. 6. not including / except for
  5. 9. a special job
  6. 10. I don't understand; give me some...
  7. 12. do something with others
  8. 13. like "but"
  9. 17. different lands
  10. 18. a long square
  11. 21. make money
  12. 22. to...a goal; to get more points
  13. 24. can do it that way or cannot
  14. 25. soccer is...on a field
  1. 1. what is...of the game?
  2. 2. can do / permission
  3. 4. near Argentina
  4. 7. the hot season
  5. 8. like Jerusalem
  6. 11. name of a game
  7. 14. after twelve
  8. 15. what is life? / to score a...
  9. 16. soccer is played on a....
  10. 19. they stop the ball from going in
  11. 20. Mondial
  12. 23. 100 years