- 2. Powerful beings preceding the gods.
- 3. Personification of the Sky.
- 6. Titan who shaped humanity and stole fire.
- 8. Primordial god of love and desire.
- 10. The first woman, opening a box of woes.
- 12. Primordial state before creation.
- 13. Daughter of Chaos, mother of Day.
- 1. God of Olympus.
- 2. Powerful beings, children of Gaia and Uranus.
- 4. Brother of Prometheus, who accepted Pandora.
- 5. Poem describing the birth of the gods.
- 7. The gods who overthrew the Titans.
- 9. Personification of the Earth.
- 11. Personification of the night, mother of many deities.
- 12. The theme explaining the origin of the universe.