Social 20-1

  1. 4. (2 words) a telegram Germany sent to Mexico to convince them to attack the U.S.
  2. 5. (3 words) Those who spoke out against the revolution in 1793/1794 were arrested and many were also executed
  3. 10. A 3 year long war caused by communism in which the UN, led by the US.
  4. 14. (2 words) This organization was created after the horror of World War Two to avoid the scourge of war. Its fundamental belief is peace can be achieved through multilateralism.
  5. 15. an international body that enforces agreements that reduce barriers to international trade
  6. 16. Represented major cities and wanted change, pro enlightenment
  7. 18. Believe they are part of the entire human race, and thus have a responsibility in the international community.
  8. 19. (3 words) a treaty that imposed that Germany takes blame for war and made them pay for reparations
  9. 22. (2 words) war that went over 2 decades in which the US sent half million soldiers to help fight
  10. 29. government group that aided France getting but up after the revolution
  11. 30. Refers to the political authority to control one’s own affairs, power is reserved to nation states
  12. 31. (3 words) A pledge made by members of France’s National Assembly where they vowed to continue meeting until they had drawn up a new constitution and stated that the common people in the Third Estate were the only group that represented the nation.
  13. 32. Someone who wanted to preserve Francophone identity
  14. 35. a series of proposals that Woodrow Wilson outlines a plan for achieving a lasting peace after WWI
  15. 36. when a larger region gets broken into smaller regions
  16. 38. non-government organizations
  17. 42. (2 words) This represented all members of the United nations, each member was entitled for one vote.
  18. 43. They declared WWI after the assassination of Ferdinand
  19. 44. (2 words) This consists of 15 members, 5 permanent members and 10 that are elected for 2 year terms. This has the primary responsibility with the United Nations of maintaining international peace and security.
  20. 46. Protects french culture and language
  21. 48. A form of internationalism that happens when a country interferes in other country affairs without approval.
  22. 49. form of internationalism that involves situations in which several countries cooperate to resolve an issue/concern regarding all the countries.
  23. 50. This person was arrested for conspiring to overthrow the state and was given a life sentence. He was the leader of the African National Congress Youth League, pushed for boycotts, strikes and civil disobedience to combat apartheid.
  1. 1. Established by Lester B. Peasrson who was a Canadian that made this thing to be acted by the UN to send people into conflicts.
  2. 2. were party of first estate
  3. 3. The desire of people to govern and control their own lives, like Palestine and Kosovo.
  4. 6. Germany, Austria and Italy were part of this
  5. 7. a payment for war damages
  6. 8. brought defence of the U.S. and Canada to a joint command to protect against any nuclear attack from the Soviet Union
  7. 9. (2 words) When a First Nations group staged a protest over land claims regarding a golf course, creating roadblock and violence.
  8. 11. Form of internationalism that happens when two countries are motivated by the same issue/need.
  9. 12. This person unified the French, went on to conquer most of Europe until he was defeated at Battle of Waterloo, he was remembered for strengthening national pride, modernizing government, laying foundations for public education, etc.
  10. 13. part of second estate
  11. 17. Giving into demands
  12. 20. Leader of the Reign of Terror, supported King is until he was ignored
  13. 21. Agreement to stop fighting
  14. 23. a way to spread information that is misleading nature that is used to promote/publicize a political point/view
  15. 24. America was accused of acting unilaterally when it led an invasion into this country in 2003 under the belief that the country had weapons of mass destruction. America was accused of wanting to assure its access to oil.
  16. 25. Britain, France and Russia were part of this
  17. 26. World health organization
  18. 27. (2 words) Base in Hawaii that was bombed by Japan in 1941, which caused America to enter the war
  19. 28. man made genocide against the Ukrainian people against Russia.
  20. 33. (2 words) Event where nationalism is influenced by external factors such as social, geographic, economic, historical, political, etc., that changed society.
  21. 34. Created propaganda, had religious and ethnic persecution, used purges, wanted monoculture
  22. 37. Genocide where the Hutu ethnic majoirty killed 800k Tutsi minority in 1994, peacekeepers were targeted and assulted
  23. 39. Love of one's country
  24. 40. allows open trade with U.S, Mexico and Canada
  25. 41. Federal party dedicated to Quebec separation from Canada
  26. 45. Stability (2 words) nation-states seek to achieve this in different ways such as; foreign trade policies, export/import goods, and job creations.
  27. 47. Originally established as a collective defense in North America and Western Europe against the spread of communism.