Social 20-1 Comprehensive Crossword

  1. 6. Is guillotined to signify the end of the reign of terror
  2. 11. This Persons's Assassination is the spark that started the first world war(no title just name)
  3. 12. the 13 Colonies wanted this from Britain and the war against Britain is often called the War of " " .
  4. 13. reforms of French law reflected the values of the french revolution.
  5. 16. americas belief it can fix all things by itself
  6. 19. of Trafalgar the battle removing any possibility of France going to war with England
  7. 22. involves nation-states agreeing to go along with decisions made by an international organization.
  8. 24. original purpose of this organization was the collective defence of North America and Western Europe against the spread of communism.
  9. 25. intervening in another country’s affairs without getting “approval”.
  10. 26. 5-man executive branch built to avoid a dictatorship and too much democracy
  11. 27. the world's first monument to this atrocity is in Edmonton’s City Hall
  12. 29. the systematic elimination of a specified nationality, ethnicity, race, or religion.
  13. 30. outdated name for post-traumatic stress disorder
  14. 35. literally translating to “without pants” This was what the urban poor were called
  15. 38. first act declaring France a republic
  16. 39. Britain's decision to leave the EU is called
  17. 40. South Africas Racist regime and laws caused the world to boycott south african products and services
  18. 42. 3 words another name for the reign of Terror
  19. 43. some Quebecers are “ “ meaning they would like Quebec to be its own country
  20. 44. When two countries are motivated by the same issue or need.
  21. 45. Frances's national holiday celebrating the storming of this place on July 14th, 1789
  22. 48. indigenous women are 6 times more likely to be “ or “ then there non-indigenous counterparts
  23. 49. world war 1 was a war of “ “ meaning it was a war of stamina, how long can you last and why are we even doing this anymore.
  1. 1. to avoid fighting a two-front war Britain declares war on Germany for violating the neutrality of Belgium
  2. 2. russas solution to not being overtaken by Napoleon: burn everything and run AKA the(2 words) “ “ policy
  3. 3. a form of media used to push an agenda based on the word meaning “to spread a philosophy or idea”
  4. 4. Louis Riel and the Métis fight for recognition of French rights(and Métis rights to exist) in Manitoba
  5. 5. the first of the M.A.I.N causes of world war 1
  6. 7. created in 1800 by Napoleon as part of the domestic policy's first use of Certified professional tax collection in France
  7. 8. statement drew of democratic principles applying to everyone (though specifically mentioning men)
  8. 9. major international organization founded after the second world war
  9. 10. issued by a duke a protection act for the French royal family
  10. 12. the Japanese are “ “ in Canada in 1945
  11. 14. Germany paid 33 billion USD in these kinds of payments
  12. 15. the countries on the UN security council has the power to do this to anything being proposed
  13. 17. the partition that was going to be signed at Champ De Mars that led to the massacre called for a " " “
  14. 18. The type of nationalism that drove Frances Revolution
  15. 20. soldiers on both sides of the first world war lived in these
  16. 21. the German word for “Lightning warfare”
  17. 23. Otto von Bismarck's famous belief in blood and “ “
  18. 28. 2 words, the first time in 175 years this was called, gave the third estate a voice for the first time in a human lifetime
  19. 31. the great-grandfather of the UN
  20. 32. Established by Napoleon in 1801 an educational reform.
  21. 33. a prominent ant-Apartheid activist who is imprisoned for 60 years and South Africas First Black President
  22. 34. to believe you are part of the entire human race, and have a responsibility in the international community is to have a sense of “ “
  23. 36. the Supranational organization responsible for the Euro
  24. 37. if your trying to invade Russia don't do it in this season
  25. 41. Napoleon's final place of exile
  26. 46. to pacify is to “ “
  27. 47. of Versailles Germany was left out of this very important conference