Social 20-1 Comprehensive Puzzle (Nationalism)

  1. 4. (1 word) The process of a nation resolving a problem or coming to a conclusion about certain decisions by itself.
  2. 5. The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizens called for ______ for all citizens
  3. 8. (2 words) An American initiative to aid Western Europe to help rebuild and support Western European economy after World War II.
  4. 9. (2 words) In the first decade, the United Nations sent military observers to trouble spots (Palestine – Israel, Pakistan – India).
  5. 12. (2 words) absolute control by the state or a governing branch of a highly centralized institution.
  6. 13. (3 words) International organizations that provide long term loans and promote the growth of the economy of specific nations.
  7. 19. The type of monarchy under Louis XVI, XV, XIV
  8. 20. A lack of political power in the West relative to the rest of Canada
  9. 21. Charges placed on goods and services as they move from one country to another.
  10. 23. Ukraine 1932.
  11. 29. (1 word) The process of two independent nations working together to reach a conclusion about decisions.
  12. 30. the belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests
  13. 33. This social class wanted political power to go along with its increasing economic power.
  14. 34. (2 words)- Communist dictator of the Soviet Union.
  15. 37. In October 1789, an angry mob (mostly women) went to ____
  16. 38. (3 words) American colonies by imposing a stamp duty on newspapers and legal and commercial documents
  17. 40. (2 words) Patriot who made a daring ride to warn colonists of British arrival; Printed the Boston Massacre
  18. 41. (3 words)- Intergovernmental Organisation to maintain World Peace.
  19. 43. The power of the President to refuse to approve a bill or joint resolution and thus prevent its enactment into law
  20. 44. politics-driven practical, or pragmatic concerns, rather than ideological ones.
  21. 45. Nobles who fled France during the French Revolution and urged the foreign rulers to oppose the Revolution.
  22. 47. German “lightning war” tactics.
  23. 48. (1 word) The policy followed by the United States of America to stay away from the affairs of other nation states.
  24. 49. (2 words) Wrote the pamphlet Common Sense, promoting American Independence
  25. 50. (2 words) spend some time studying or training in another European country.
  26. 51. (2 words)- Plan for Germany to attack France and then Russia.
  1. 1. (2 words)- Agreement concluded between Germany, Italy and France in September 1938.
  2. 2. (2 words) American financial and military assistance to countries at risk of falling to communism.
  3. 3. (2 words)- Germany, Austria- Hungary, Ottoman Empire
  4. 6. (3 words) By a clause in this treaty Germany was forced to accept the responsibility for starting the WW1
  5. 7. (2 words)- organization of American colonists that was created in the Thirteen American Colonies?
  6. 10. activity undertaken by a state to influence something not directly under its control.
  7. 11. ( 1 word) the process of seeking resolution to a conflict while the conflict is ongoing
  8. 14. The Second Estate
  9. 15. This policy was championed by Neville Chamberlain to avoid a potential war. At the Munich conference, Chamberlain gave into Hitler’s demand for the Sudetenland.
  10. 16. (3 words)- The Treaty that brought Britain to War
  11. 17. (2 words) America First- Back to Selective Isolationism
  12. 18. (2 words)- a British Army officer who rose to become Commander-in-Chief of British forces during the American war of Independence also known as the American Revolutionary War.
  13. 22. (3 words) The announcement by the 13 colonies that the colonies were to be free and independent of England's control.
  14. 24. The act of assembling and readying troops and supplies for War.
  15. 25. (2 words)- Mass killing of a large number of people mainly “Jews.
  16. 26. City where Germany was forced to surrender.
  17. 27. (2 words)- Relocation of the Japanese to concentration camps.
  18. 28. One Problem of the Old Regime was the increasing ____ which exempted nobles and clergy.
  19. 31. (1 word) A type of multinational political union where negotiations are made and authority is given to members of the government.
  20. 32. ( 3 words) An intergovernmental organization that regulates international trade.
  21. 35. (2 words) - The Serbian Terrorist group that had trained Gavrilo Princep
  22. 36. (3 words)- Insane Killings lead by Robespierre
  23. 39. (2 words)- An American politician and soldier who served. as the first President of the United States from 1789 to 1797 and was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States
  24. 42. (1 word) An organization that is not dependent on the government, usually non profit.
  25. 46. The remote US Naval Base bombed in WW2 by the Japanese