Social 20-1 Final Review

  1. 1. One of Hitler’s objectives was to get the German people (and others) to practice this extreme form of facism, which is _.
  2. 4. (3 words) When the Third Estate met at the beginning of the French Revolution and swore to not disband until the constitution was changed.
  3. 8. Many farms and factories were brought under state ownership and control due to this.
  4. 9. (2 words) The representation of the Third Estate that demanded economic reforms and equality between Estates.
  5. 11. Terrorist attacks were perpetrated by this group, whose objective was to destroy the influence of English colonialism.
  6. 14. (3 words) The mass murder of civilians following the second Sino-Japanese War by the Japanese Imperial Army.
  7. 15. The different classes during the French Revolution were called this.
  8. 16. The European Union is a prime example of this.
  9. 18. The starvation of Ukrainians due to Soviet policies.
  10. 19. The withdrawal from a government or an organization.
  11. 20. The mass genocide of Jewish people during the events of WWII by German Nazis and collaborators.
  12. 22. (2 words) The assassination of this Archduke led to the start of the first World War.
  13. 26. (3 words) This period of time led by Robespierre, during the French Revolution, where numerous massacres and public executions took place.
  14. 27. (3 words) Founded by the Paris Peace Conference after the first World War, this organization was formed with the objective to maintain peace.
  15. 28. In the Second World War, innocent _ were targeted more, which lead to moral conflicts and attacks of certain ethnic/racial/religious groups.
  16. 31. Considered unilateral, an example of this is Iraq invading and ruling over Kuwait.
  17. 32. (2 words) This organization was created after the horror of World War Two to avoid the scourge of war. Its fundamental belief is peace can be achieved through multilateralism.
  18. 33. An example of this is when the principles of the US foreign policy was changed by Obama, leading to an increased usage of drones.
  19. 34. An example of this is when Canada allowed women related to men in the military to vote in an attempt to get more enrollment in the armed forces.
  20. 35. The US invasion in Iraq was an example of this.
  21. 37. The racial segregation and inequality that existed in South Africa.
  22. 39. Free trade agreements between two countries are often seen as an example of this.
  23. 40. The incident in Rwanda where mass killings against certain groups of individuals is considered a _.
  24. 42. Canada gained its own _ after cutting most of its ties with Britain.
  25. 43. A mode of political organization that allows each state to maintain its own sovereignty.
  26. 45. NATO, the UN, and the WTO are all examples of this.
  27. 46. (2 words) The United Nations is a main example of this, with the intention of promoting international protection and cooperation to prevent future conflict.
  28. 47. (2 words) Britain left this organization to take better control over immigration and its borders.
  29. 48. (2 words) The forced relocation of Japanese people into incarceration camps along the west coast of Canada during WWII.
  30. 49. (2 words) The United States used this against Japan in an attempt to quickly surrender the Japanese.
  1. 2. (2 words) Kosovo demonstrated this during their declaration for independence in becoming a nation-state.
  2. 3. Canada’s involvement in Cyprus since 1964 is one of Canada’s longest _ operations.
  3. 5. (3 words) This treaty signified the end of WWI and required Germany to pay reparations.
  4. 6. Napoleon being removed from power and being forced to leave and never return is considered _.
  5. 7. (3 words) Greenpeace and UNICEF are examples of this.
  6. 10. Canada collects taxes and distributes them to poorer provinces in order to maintain equality.
  7. 12. (2 words) The blockade designed to cut off British trade from the rest of Europe, set up by Napoleon.
  8. 13. (2 words) The bombing of the US naval base in _ brought the US into the second World War.
  9. 17. A well known example of collective security in the present day is this organization.
  10. 20. The practice of providing assistance to others to improve the quality of life for humanity.
  11. 21. (2 words)
  12. 23. (2 words) This was held by the allies against Germany, after WW2 to prosecute authorities for war crimes.
  13. 24. The UN established this power to a handful of more dominating countries, leading to an imbalance of power.
  14. 25. (2 words) This reformed French legal code was later implemented in other countries with changes made.
  15. 29. (2 words) This was meant to be a peaceful agreement, but instead, gave Hitler the opportunity to conquer what is known now as the Sudetenland.
  16. 30. The Japanese Internment in western Canada is an example of _.
  17. 36. This policy was championed by Neville Chamberlain to avoid a potential war. At the Munich conference, Chamberlain gave into Hitler’s demand for the Sudetenland.
  18. 38. After the first World War, Germany was required to pay for financial _ .
  19. 41. America was accused of acting unilaterally when it led an invasion into this country in 2003 under the belief that the country had weapons of mass destruction. America was accused of wanting to assure its access to oil.
  20. 44. The United State’s refusal to join the League of Nations in order to keep to themselves/not involve themselves in future overseas conflict is an example of this.