Social and Cultural Factors Influencing Memory

  1. 3. Humans are active ________ of information.
  2. 5. Cole and Scribner's experiment was conducted on ________ children and American children.
  3. 6. theory Cognitive theory about information processing.
  4. 9. Network of beliefs, knowledge, and expectations about particular aspects of the world.
  5. 11. Cole and Scribner conducted a ______ cultural experiment.
  6. 12. Using the stored information
  7. 13. Transforming sensory information into a meaningful memory.
  8. 14. Memory strategy that involves taking individual units of information and grouping them into larger units.
  9. 15. Creating a biological trace of the encoded information in memory, which is either consolidated or lost.
  10. 16. Omitting information because of the lack of importance.
  1. 1. The set of ideas, behaviors, attitudes, and traditions that exist within large groups of people
  2. 2. Changing events to become more familiar and consistent.
  3. 4. Roggof and Waddell's experiment was conducted on _________ children and American children.
  4. 6. Schema processing can affect memory at all ________.
  5. 7. Who coined the term schema.
  6. 8. Mistakes that are caused by gaps in memory.
  7. 10. Changing orders of events to become more familiar with ones own culture.