Social Control Theory

  1. 1. Developed the theory in 1969
  2. 4. rules and standards in society that keep individuals bound to standards
  3. 5. an emotional and close tie with parents, friends, and institutions
  4. 8. Enforced with market control
  5. 10. individual’s view of the legitimacy of societal norms
  6. 11. state of departing from usual or accepted standards
  7. 12. Another name for Social Control Theory
  8. 14. People are naturally inclined to commit crime but _____ like families, schools and the criminal justice system prevent it
  1. 2. refers to the value individuals consider in their devotion of time, energy, and effort to certain activities or institutions
  2. 3. Social relationships
  3. 4. Enforced by government and violations lead to formal sanctions
  4. 6. Enforced by informal means
  5. 7. Criminal activity occurs when an individual’s attachment to society is
  6. 9. time individuals spend participating in activities or institutions
  7. 13. An individual's behavior is bonded by