- 4. In general, the lowest life expectancy rates are in states in this geographic region of the US
- 9. A SDOH specific to this organization is the person’s individual characteristics and behaviors, including “personal behavior and coping skills – balanced eating, keeping active, smoking, drinking, and how we deal with life’s stresses and challenges
- 11. A non-medical program that hospitals provide concerning healthy food options
- 12. The AHA maintains that SDOH codes can help identify ______ health trends and guide community partnerships
- 13. The AHA notes that some facilities offer solutions to address food insecurities, including referrals to their health system’s food _____
- 15. The AHA notes that some facilities are partnering with Uber and Lyft so that patients do not miss appointments or are unable to access health care because they lack or cannot afford this service
- 18. According to the WHO, there is a difference of ___ years of life expectancy between high- and low- income countries
- 20. CDC term for preventable differences in the burden of disease, injury, violence, or opportunities to achieve optimal health that are experienced by socially disadvantaged populations
- 21. The AHA maintains that capturing SDOH Z codes may assist in improving patient ____
- 22. An example of the SDOH category Health and Healthcare is Health ______
- 23. The CDC’s “Healthy People 2020” identified _____ key areas of SDOH
- 24. Language and Literacy are examples of the SDOH category ______
- 25. Codes in categories ____ through Z65 identify non-medical factors that may influence a patient’s health status, aka SDOH codes
- 26. Children born to parents who have not completed school through grade ____ are more likely to live in an environment that poses barriers to health such as lack of safety, exposed garbage, and substandard housing
- 28. Improving social support has been shown, according to the AHA, of decreasing this procedure in diabetic populations due to a diabetes prevention program
- 29. SDOH program offered to aid cessation and treatment of addiction to this product
- 30. Documentation sources other than the patient’s provider that may be used for coding according to the OCG 1.B.14.
- 1. A factor which decisively affects the nature or outcome of something
- 2. SDOH Z codes should never be reported as the ______ diagnosis code or first-listed code
- 3. SDOH example of economic instability; situation in which a person may have lost their employer sponsored health insurance
- 5. SDOH example of social and community context; a person who is unable to practice social distancing and is more susceptible to COVID-19 exposure than the general population
- 6. An example of the SDOH category Social and Community Context
- 7. SDOH example of housing instability; a living situation that puts people more at risk for the COVID-19 due to lack of access to water for hand washing
- 8. Crime and Violence are examples of the SDOH category Neighborhood and _____ Environment
- 10. Some racial and ethnic minority groups are disproportionately represented in essential work settings or ______ such as in factories, grocery stores, and public transportation, and therefore have greater exposure to COVID-19 due to such as close contact with the public or other workers, not being able to work from home, and not having paid sick days
- 14. Data collected and combined from multiple sources into summary statistics
- 16. The AHA notes that only ___ percent of an individual’s health is tied to clinical care, which includes access to and quality of health care services
- 17. The WHO defines “health equity” as the _____ of unfair and avoidable or remediable differences in health among population groups defined socially, economically, demographically or geographically
- 19. SDOH example of education; _____ and literacy are potential disparities that may result in limited job options and less flexibility to leave jobs that may put a person at a higher risk of exposure to COVID-19
- 20. Broad term for inequities in social determinants of health that put racial and ethnic minority groups at increased risk of getting sick and dying from COVID-19.
- 25. Type of code that may predict population health better than genetics
- 27. Employment and Food Insecurity are examples of SDOH category ______Stability