Social Influence Part 1

  1. 2. This part of the brain activates subconsciously when white people perceive a black face
  2. 6. A type of study that involves creating groups based on meaningless criteria
  3. 9. The process of acquiring the cultural values and understanding of norms of a home culture
  4. 10. The process of adapting to a new culture
  5. 14. A theory that explains how competition and cooperation can influence group conflicts
  6. 15. Studied conformity in Temne and Inuit peoples
  7. 16. Behaving in a way that is socially acceptable and consistent with norms
  8. 17. Devised SIT
  1. 1. Treating someone different because of the group they belong to
  2. 3. Stress that occurs as a result of acculturation
  3. 4. Devised RCT and along with his wife and colleagues conducted the Robber's Cave experiment
  4. 5. Judging someone based on a group they belong to
  5. 7. A set of cultural values related to individuality
  6. 8. A group you do belong to
  7. 11. A theory that explains how group conflict can arise even without competition
  8. 12. Studied "basking in reflected glory" (college sweaters and football victories)
  9. 13. A group you don't belong to