Social Media

  1. 3. to move lower through text or graphics on a computer
  2. 5. a small electronic device that is used for storing information from the computer
  3. 9. to suddently appear (e.g. a add on your computer screen)
  4. 11. to higher or lower through text or graphics on a computer
  5. 12. to become active/using the Internet
  6. 14. to release (e.g. a program)
  7. 16. instagram is an example of it
  8. 18. to make an image or computer screen smaller
  1. 1. having no wires
  2. 2. to make an image or computer screen larger
  3. 3. to look quickly through information on the Internet
  4. 4. to make copies of data/information in case it is lost(documents, pictures)
  5. 6. look for information on internet
  6. 7. write information on a keyboard so that it is appears on its screen
  7. 8. to become inactive/stop using the Internet
  8. 10. to move or copy (a file, program, etc.) from a usually larger computer system to another computer or device
  9. 13. is a method of saving a web page's address (e.g. on your computer)
  10. 15. slowly working computer
  11. 17. is someone who harasses other people online