Introduction to Social Media Key Terms Part 1

  1. 3. Technologies that deliver packets of compressed audio and video data in real-time over Internet Protocol (IP).
  2. 4. The process of broadcasting live video or audio over the Internet to an audience.
  3. 6. Information that describes other data.
  4. 7. The use of World Wide Web technology and Web design to develop online information sharing and collaboration services.
  5. 11. A service that allows a computer to send or receive Short Message Service (SMS) transmissions to or from a telecommunications network.
  6. 14. A service that sends real-time audio and video from the publisher to the viewer.
  7. 15. A social media user who creates original content.
  8. 17. The number of times a piece of content is displayed.
  9. 19. A programming methodology for the Web that enables Web applications to interact with users.
  10. 20. The ease of obtaining the tools needed to publish content.
  11. 22. Content that is created by the users of an online system or service
  12. 23. The process of a particular content item becoming widely popular by multiple people sharing it.
  13. 25. A markup language used to store, describe, and share data on the Web.
  14. 27. A method of communication in which a user types and sends short messages from one mobile phone to another.
  15. 28. Audio or video digital media files that are distributed through Web feeds to subscribed users.
  16. 29. A keyword tagm that uses a hash symbol (#) as a prefix.
  17. 30. Data that does not follow a specific format or is hard to label and organize.
  18. 31. A technology that converts voice into digital form and delivers it using the Internet Protocol (IP). Allows the use of the Internet for real-time voice and video traffic.
  19. 32. Indicates how fast content is created and distributed.
  20. 33. Keywords, category names, or metadata used to describe an online content item.
  1. 1. The number of places a particular content item is made available.
  2. 2. A program or mobile app that allows real-time or delayed communication between users.
  3. 5. A Web browser or application that collects syndicated content into a single location.
  4. 8. The potential audience for a piece of content; the total number of your followers plus the numeber of followers for each person who shares the content.
  5. 9. One-way communication methods in which the publisher creates content and sends that content to the end-user via the media source.
  6. 10. The number of times within a certain period that a particular content item is published in the media.
  7. 12. A Web 2.0 implementation by which Web data is contextualized with the addition of machine-readable metadata.
  8. 13. Another term for broadcasting live video or audio over the Internet.
  9. 16. The actual number of unique people who access a particular content item, such as an advertisement.
  10. 18. Online services, sites, or apps that allow us to interact and use two-way communication between the pbublisher and the user
  11. 21. A program or mobile app that allows real-time communication between online users.
  12. 24. Indicates how long content exists or can be accessed.
  13. 26. When replies to comments are posted directly under the original comment.