Social Media

  1. 2. TV shows or movies
  2. 4. users are able to connect with their friends through pictures, messages, videos, and direct messaging
  3. 8. allows users to write 140 character messages
  4. 9. users upload their own music
  5. 11. the amount of time spent on social media
  6. 14. a search engine
  7. 15. a blog
  8. 16. users are able to send and receive pictures
  9. 17. allows users to interact using music, photos, videos, etc.
  10. 19. one of the largest online shopping website
  11. 20. 6-second long videos
  1. 1. establishes documents
  2. 3. connecting with friends and family through a webcam
  3. 5. a user excessively posts and comments online
  4. 6. a messaging/texting app
  5. 7. users create their own stories and fanfiction
  6. 10. users upload videos
  7. 12. uploading pictures or 15-second videos
  8. 13. users upload ideas/do it yourselves
  9. 18. streaming music