Social Psychology

  1. 4. Taste aversion learning
  2. 8. First practical intelligence test
  3. 9. Psychology of judgement, decision-making, heuristics and biases
  4. 12. Cognitive dissonance theory
  5. 14. Classical conditioning
  6. 16. Stanford prison experiment
  7. 18. Hierarchy of needs
  8. 19. Specialized in language development, humans inborn ability to develop language
  9. 21. Psychoanalysis, use of free association, transference
  10. 22. Maternal-seperation, monkey isolation
  11. 23. Conformity
  12. 24. Theory on learned helplessness, positive psychology
  13. 26. Hypnosis
  14. 27. Behaviorist, operant conditioning chamber
  1. 1. Cognitive theory: schemas, adaptation processes, stages of development
  2. 2. Specialized in sexual and marital problems, individual's power
  3. 3. Psychosocial development on human beings
  4. 5. Pioneers of developmental psychology, infant temperament stays same
  5. 6. Expert on human memory
  6. 7. Social learning theory/Observational learning
  7. 8. Cognitive therapy, treatment of clinical depression
  8. 10. Strange situation, attachment styles
  9. 11. Behaviorism/Little Albert experiment
  10. 13. Emotion and facial expressions
  11. 15. Humanistic psychology, person-centered/client-centered therapy
  12. 17. Parenting styles, authoritarian, permissive, authoritative
  13. 20. Theory of moral development
  14. 25. Shock experiment/Obedience Experiment