Social Relations

  1. 2. love focused on long-term interests and practicality
  2. 3. people who are physically closer are emotionally closer
  3. 4. sharing thoughts, dreams, fears, goals
  4. 5. "Birds of a feather" not "opposites attract"
  5. 7. caring love, like between a parent and child
  6. 9. obsessive, jealous, possessive love
  7. 11. love as a game
  8. 12. people who share the same beliefs make for better partners
  9. 13. partners making equal contributions to a relationship
  10. 14. love characterized by sacrifice and self-denial
  11. 15. physically and emotionally intense type of love
  1. 1. People prefer familiar things
  2. 3. love often seen at the beginning of a relationship
  3. 6. long-lasting, durable form love love in which lives are intertwined
  4. 7. according to the stimulus-value-role theory, the attractive qualities of people
  5. 8. people look for partners with whom they are compatible in life
  6. 10. Strongest influence on 1st impressions.