Social Science (Easy)

  1. 2. a symbols to represent to positions in society
  2. 4. Language is essential tool in ______ and transferring knowledge from one generation to another
  3. 5. considered as a bedrock of foundation of the society
  4. 7. a social institution which states policy and law is enforced
  5. 8. a social institution designated to preserve and transfer knowledge
  6. 10. refers to the failure to evolve
  7. 11. are norms in which members of society have come to accept as the proper way of dealing with their everyday
  8. 12. Nowadays, _________ are not extreme as it was before
  9. 14. light a symbol in traffic that represents "stop"
  10. 17. these things supported the theory of evolution
  11. 21. Off The culture inside of a jeepney stated in ______ is a example of norm
  12. 22. Murdock he was acknowledge as first of his contemporaries to recognize the culture universals
  13. 23. a person who is violating his/her mores is considered as this
  14. 26. sociologists uses the word "folkways",instead of this to present the idea on accepted behavior of people
  15. 28. one of the words that coined ethnocentrism along with the "-centrism"
  16. 29. Society most of this society have developed nonscientific belief systems
  17. 31. are the customs or folkways a society needs to adhere to strictly
  18. 32. this act can cause conflict between culture along with belittling it
  19. 33. A characteristic collectively attributed to the Filipino people
  20. 34. a social institution generally responsible for the production
  21. 37. refers to subcultures tend to have conflict with the dominant culture
  22. 38. along with sukob, these are manifestation of beliefs in the context of Philippine culture
  23. 39. a type of culture that refers to intangible ideas that form within a society including beliefs, etc.
  24. 41. are part of material culture alongside with weapons, instruments and the likes
  25. 44. as the means by people make sense of their experiences, or ideas
  26. 46. pertains to the belief that one's native culture is superior to or the natural among other culture
  27. 48. a symbol to couples represents to devote themselves to each other
  28. 50. one of the signals used to stop a jeepney so that a passenger will get off
  29. 51. are necessary amid increasing social change and migration
  30. 55. the changes to environment that has taken a toll to every living creatures
  31. 58. are common casual clothing in different societies in the world
  32. 59. is the complex whole which encompasses beliefs, practices, values, etc.
  33. 60. an organized collection of beliefs intended to explain the meaning, origin, and purpose of life
  34. 62. Culture refers to the actual behavior of people in the society
  1. 1. is universal way to release tensions and create unity among people.
  2. 3. Culture some counterculture before that have now become ________
  3. 4. Folkways may be impermanent or ________
  4. 6. refers to the mother in Filipino since calling his/her parents by first name is considered rude in Filipino culture
  5. 8. the process by which beings develop from earlier beings
  6. 9. is a society 's standards of acceptable behavior
  7. 13. may be defined as a modified culture within a larger culture practiced by a society
  8. 15. a type of punishment in Greece
  9. 16. a symbol represent a particular country
  10. 18. 1 common factor of a folkway change is _______ innovation
  11. 19. is a key factor of humans for the success in creating and preserving culture
  12. 20. _______ the hands of elders are considered a symbol of respect to them
  13. 24. is a group of people bound together in a more or less association organized for collective activity
  14. 25. a hypothesis by which language has the ability to shape reality by understood of the individuals
  15. 27. are illustrations to represent a particular meaning on something
  16. 30. common public transportation of Filipinos;considered as part of Filipino culture
  17. 35. is defined as sexual intercourse/relationship of blood relatives
  18. 36. the idea of cultural relativism reminds everyone of the importance of it
  19. 40. the violation of more usually has corresponding _____ which is negative at most times
  20. 42. Cultural behavior can be only through this other than experience and education
  21. 43. a social institution responsible for the circulation of vital information
  22. 45. Culture defined as the ways in which people describe their way of life
  23. 47. one of the uses of language alongside with interacting and sharing the views of people
  24. 49. Institution is defined as the
  25. 52. desirable,transsituational goals that vary in importance and serve as guiding principles
  26. 53. most cultures manifests ______
  27. 54. way Language is ________ by which people communication with others. (Henlin, J)
  28. 56. universals refers to all cultures share patterns or traits that are quite common to all societies across the world
  29. 57. Eating it in Southern Asian is common culture
  30. 61. Through these norms, people can distinguish ____ from bad