Social Studies 10: British Columbia Research Project

  1. 2. At the Cariboo Gold Rush, Barker and his seven partners struck gold within ___________ hours.
  2. 3. The Komagata Maru was a Japanese _____________.
  3. 5. An Englishman who played a significant role in BC's entry into the Confederation of Canada.
  4. 8. Arsonists burnt down several laundries in Vancouver during a riot with an intended purpose to drive the _______ out of town.
  5. 10. What did AEL stand for?
  6. 12. How long was the Chinese Exclusion Act in power for?
  7. 13. Mainland would be more vulnerable to American __________ due to no political jurisdictions.
  8. 14. Passengers aboard the Komagata Maru consisted of Sikhs, Muslims, and Hindus, all of _____________ nationality.
  9. 15. In 1893, which city passed a laundry bylaw?
  10. 17. How many years could Chinese Canadians travel away from Canada?
  11. 18. What was the Chinese Immigration Act also known as?
  12. 19. About 11,000 Chinese came to Canada illegally as__________?
  1. 1. Key person in the Klondike Gold Rush.
  2. 4. In 1960, what was established to offer a forgiveness to all the “paper sons”?
  3. 6. Douglas feared that Vancouver Island might be ________ by American miners.
  4. 7. Where were some of the miners coming from?
  5. 9. In 1907, an anti-immigration rally explode into violence and vandalism in both ___________ and Japantown in Vancouver.
  6. 11. Other than jobs being taken by the Chinese people, why were there a group of white people causing riots?
  7. 14. By 1864, ___________ was the largest town north of San Francisco.
  8. 16. The richest discoveries of the Fraser River Gold Rush occurred between Hope and _________.