Social Studies

  1. 6. one is more friendly the other one is a battle
  2. 8. This placed new taxes on legal documents
  3. 10. War between British & French
  4. 12. colonists revolt
  5. 15. made commitee of correspondense
  6. 16. battle against british
  7. 17. set to save the british and put them out of dept
  8. 18. the theory that a nation's economic strength came from selling more than it bought from other nations
  9. 20. of 1763 didnt let colonists colonize past the apilation mountains
  10. 21. Placed new tax on molasses
  11. 22. taxes on imports
  12. 24. colonists didnt want tax if had no representation
  13. 25. required colonists to provide quarters of supplies
  14. 26. set theirself away from the british
  1. 1. Proposed by Benjamin Franklin that failed
  2. 2. made sons of liberty
  3. 3. founding father
  4. 4. revolt against the stamp act
  5. 5. response to boston tea party
  6. 7. met after battle
  7. 9. made for the propaganda campaign
  8. 11. leader of the redcoats
  9. 13. They agreed to boycott all British made goods.
  10. 14. Ended French and Indian War
  11. 19. sons of liberty threw off bags of tea
  12. 23. the third king