Social Studies

  1. 2. Spreading out and merging different cultures.
  2. 4. Activities which consist of processing raw materials
  3. 6. Finantial and comercial penalties to stop issues.
  4. 9. Person moves from one country to another with intent on staying there.
  5. 11. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
  6. 12. National trade which has no restrictions.
  7. 14. Making a place or country more urban
  8. 15. Tax on goods and services coming into countries from other countries.
  9. 16. Countries become independent of the country which colonized them.
  10. 18. Poor agriculture country which wants to be more socially and economically advanced and wants to have a better standard of living.
  11. 21. Indian movie company which createsmovies that have many Indian aspects.
  12. 22. Communist controlls many aspects and things in the citizens life and country.
  13. 23. Country which is all industrialized and developed which has many of the new and caught up things.
  14. 24. North American Free Trade Agreement.
  15. 25. Relationship between two countries or places where they rely on each other to supply each other.
  1. 1. The increasing interdependence of nations and peoples across the globe
  2. 3. Shielding countries industries with policies like tariffs and quotas.
  3. 5. Person moving from one country to another to visit or stay.
  4. 7. How the citizens of a country live and how good there health,education,and money is.
  5. 8. Activities that concern services.
  6. 10. Private owned businesses can have control of what they sell and how much goods they make.
  7. 13. The summary and average of countries basic aspects like living standards,health, and education.
  8. 17. Economy with different type of economies like capitalist and command which creates a different government.
  9. 19. 19 countries in Europe that use the Euro as their currency.
  10. 20. Activities which consist of exploiting natural resources.